Maya exporting error

Hi guys,
I am Lemon, new here.
I am learning how to use FaceFX.
We are running animation projects mainly use Maya.
Now I have got a problem for using it.
We use Blendshape, "the morph target" for facial expressions.
When I export the morph target, save the actor, there error occured.
the console output is below:
FaceFX: Loaded FaceFX 2012.1 for Maya
FaceFX: Running under Maya 2011 Hotfix 2 x64
FaceFX: normal mode
FaceFX: attempting to save actor file D:/AW_project/Egg_Project/scenes/FaceFX/Awu.facefx
FaceFX: saved actor
FaceFX: CreateNode failed to create node AnnoBlend1.M_X: AddNode failed for unknown reason.
FaceFX: CreateNode failed to create node AnnoBlend1.M_AA: AddNode failed for unknown reason.
FaceFX: CreateNode failed to create node AnnoBlend1.M_AH: AddNode failed for unknown reason.
FaceFX: CreateNode failed to create node AnnoBlend1.M_AO: AddNode failed for unknown reason.
FaceFX: CreateNode failed to create node AnnoBlend1.M_AW: AddNode failed for unknown reason.
FaceFX: CreateNode failed to create node AnnoBlend1.M_OY: AddNode failed for unknown reason.
FaceFX: CreateNode failed to create node AnnoBlend1.M_EH: AddNode failed for unknown reason.
FaceFX: CreateNode failed to create node AnnoBlend1.M_IH: AddNode failed for unknown reason.
FaceFX: CreateNode failed to create node AnnoBlend1.M_EY: AddNode failed for unknown reason.
FaceFX: CreateNode failed to create node AnnoBlend1.M_y: AddNode failed for unknown reason.
FaceFX: CreateNode failed to create node AnnoBlend1.M_ER: AddNode failed for unknown reason.
FaceFX: CreateNode failed to create node AnnoBlend1.M_l: AddNode failed for unknown reason.
FaceFX: CreateNode failed to create node AnnoBlend1.M_w: AddNode failed for unknown reason.
FaceFX: CreateNode failed to create node AnnoBlend1.M_MBP: AddNode failed for unknown reason.
FaceFX: CreateNode failed to create node AnnoBlend1.M_TTHDNZ: AddNode failed for unknown reason.
FaceFX: CreateNode failed to create node AnnoBlend1.M_SCCH: AddNode failed for unknown reason.
FaceFX: CreateNode failed to create node AnnoBlend1.M_FV: AddNode failed for unknown reason.

And I open the file in FaceFX, it also error occured.

Loaded actor named NewActor
The actor did not have a valid phoneme mapping. The default mapping was created for you.
Ogre failed to find and load either a .scene file or a .mesh file: Cannot locate resource Awu.mesh in resource group General or any other group.
The actor has a target named "open" in its phoneme map but does not have a face graph node named "open" -- the target will have no effect.
The actor has a target named "W" in its phoneme map but does not have a face graph node named "W" -- the target will have no effect.
The actor has a target named "ShCh" in its phoneme map but does not have a face graph node named "ShCh" -- the target will have no effect.
The actor has a target named "PBM" in its phoneme map but does not have a face graph node named "PBM" -- the target will have no effect.
The actor has a target named "FV" in its phoneme map but does not have a face graph node named "FV" -- the target will have no effect.
The actor has a target named "wide" in its phoneme map but does not have a face graph node named "wide" -- the target will have no effect.
The actor has a target named "tBack" in its phoneme map but does not have a face graph node named "tBack" -- the target will have no effect.
The actor has a target named "tRoof" in its phoneme map but does not have a face graph node named "tRoof" -- the target will have no effect.
The actor has a target named "tTeeth" in its phoneme map but does not have a face graph node named "tTeeth" -- the target will have no effect.
postloadactor.fxl file executed executed
exec -f "" ;
exec -file "C:\Program Files (x86)\FaceFX\FaceFX 2012\postloadactor.fxl";
loadActor -file "D:\AW_project\Egg_Project\scenes\FaceFX\Awu.facefx";

I do not know what I did wrong.
How to export a .scene file or a .mesh file, I think maybe I need this to transfer the morph target information.

Is there any tutorials for me to learn FaceFx?

Thanks guys.

Hi Lemon,

For a morph target rig, the easiest thing to do is export an Ogre .scene and mesh file using the Ogre exporters installed with FaceFX. Just go to File->Export All and select FxOgre Files (*.Mesh). Here is a video tutorial.

After you save Awu.MESH file, then just open FaceFX Studio and save Awu.facefx into the same folder. The morph targets will automatically be imported into your face graph.

If you are having trouble, you can email us the files and we'll take a look.